Sunday, November 18, 2018

Responding to a Colleague

With the way the current voting laws are there are many people who are left out. While certain law makers are moving toward loosening tbese voter restrictions the goal they have set seems to be one for several years in the future. Meanwhile millions of people are left wondering when their voices will be heard due to past mistakes. I know several people who have had their right to vote revoked due to being felons, and I myself was once in that boat. Part of me believes the government would rather leave the decision making to the wealthier side of the population to keep their interests in alignment with the laws. Some may consider that to be a tin-foil way of thinking, but the question remains as to why any citizen would have their right to vote removed for any reason other than treason in the first place.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Potential for Great Tragedy

It has been made known that a rather large group of Hispanic refugees are currently on their way to the Texas/Mexico border in search of asylum; estimated walking speed puts their arrival time in mid-December. While many politicians have had differing views on the situation Trump has made clear his intentions by sending US troops the border to stop the caravan by any means necessary. However, the fourteenth amendment clearly states that these people seeking asylum from their dangerous homeland should be met with appropriate aid and support by the US government. While I do believe that taking in several thousand refugees from Central America all at once without appropriate screening is downright foolish, executing them on the spot without provocation seems like something that would be considered a war crime. Granted the fear is well deserved because, like it or not, there are several dangerous groups that wish to do harm to our country who could be hidden within the caravan. What this ultimately boils down to is a lazy approach to a slow-moving problem. Resources can be put in place at the border to properly handle screening massive amounts of people in an expedited fashion, but the government is flat-out terrible at executing these solutions due to under spending. Hopefully we do not see a mass execution event come December but instead an example of human kindness and decency.