Sunday, December 9, 2018

Not sure about that

In response to a colleague calling for stricter gun control...

I would have to agree with only one part of your provided solution. Yes there needs to be an educational class given to all citizens who wish to purchase a firearm, as well as a basic training course. However I do not agree that a past history of emotional discomfort (depression or anxiety) should restrict someone’s right to purchase a firearm. Many people have overcome those problems or simply went through a hard time. Someone could become depressed when a parent dies and seek help, therefore having a record of depression. I could see a psychological evaluation looking for anti-social personality traits or difficulties with impulse control as a viable alternative though. In my opinion this would be the best option to satisfy a majority of both parties.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Why do we let this happen?

While the topic of the immigrant caravan has been beaten incessantly, the recent actions by the border patrol need to be discussed. I have said before that a group as large as 7-10,000 people coming all at once could pose serious risks, but this time it was only 500-1000. Even though the group was brash in there attempt at getting through, the border patrols response seems to be that of a self control problem. I would wager that a loud speaker encouraging the immigrants to approach in a civil manner and telling them they would be screened in an orderly fashion would have worked better than tear gas grenades. By having such a response to a few immigrants throwing rocks it sends a message of nervousness and weakness to other countries. Our team of people on the ground, along with their leaders, did not have the nerve to handle the situation in a calm manner. I hope our country does not become one of those constantly on the brink of mass murdering immigrants out of fear, we know how that looks from World War II and we’re not proud of it. Only time will tell what is to come.